Get Ray re-elected
We’re having an impact in helping to get the Mayor re-elected. It is all do to your support. Thank you to all of those who have been helping out and we are still in need of member participation. We are just under 2 weeks away from election and want to finish strong finish strong. This weekend we’re moving over to the Eastside to spread the word. We’ve-designed our handouts to increase our effectiveness.
The new design has our logo and a quote supporting the Mayor. Those who have been helping know when we leave Ray lit the voter doesn’t know that Allentown Fire Fighters dropped it off. The new design will fix that. Our community truly respects us and wants to support us. This is why we are effective.
We are in need of members to come out, Sat 11-2 rally point will is TBD on the Eastside, to help us get Ray re-elected.
Contact Perreault