Thank You

 Thank you to Nate, Chad, Leroy, Adam  A., Petrusky, Sterner, Jodi, Heldy, Worm, and John Christopher for coming out last weekend. Everyone there knows how much that meant to the Mayor, it was a strong showing. Special thanks to Leroy for opening up his house as a rally spot, much appreciated.
 We are in desperate need of guys this Sat 11-2. Those who were there last weekend will notice a change in the time. This might help us get a few more answers. We need to keep up the strong door-knocking campaign. It is extremely valuable and effective. Please come out and help us get Mayor O’Connell re-elected. Everyone should know how important this is. We need your help to get it done.
 We encourage new guys to get out with us to see how important these campaigns are to the Local. It is also a good way to get to know the citizens and streets of Allentown.
 Thanks again and we look forward to another strong showing.
 Contact Perreault with your availability
484 892 1787