Good Afternoon,
Tonight, President Warmkessel will be giving a speech at the Democratic National Convention at approximately 8 PM. There is a possibility that this could begin a few minutes later than 8 PM. Stay tuned.
We will also post a clip after the speech on our social media platforms if you are unable to watch it live.
Regardless of your political beliefs, this is a true testament to President Warmkessel’s ability to convey a message and how far we have come as a local.
Thank you,
Executive Board
The Pa Primary is next Tuesday, April 23rd. Our candidates list is small this time around, two to be exact. We met with a few candidates for State Attorney General and Treasure. The two we are endorsing, we have long standing relationships with at the Capitol.
Our State Treasure candidate is the current House Majority Leader Ryan Bizzarro. Ryan has stood with us on everything from Paycheck Protection to current legislation like PTSI Workman s Comp and PFAS. Time and time again he has proven to be a man of his word, always standing with Fire Fighters.
Jared Solomon is our candidate for State Attorney General. Jared is the current Chair of the House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee where the majority of Fire Fighter bills pass through. Jared and his team have been instrumental in getting PTSI and PFAS to the finish line this session. Both of those bills have been stuck in limbo for over six years. With Jared’s dedication to our health and safety and his team’s legislative expertise, we are almost there.
Both candidates have been there and continue to be there for us, it s our turn to be there for them. We know they will always advocate for Fire Fighters no matter where their path takes them.
With all that said, we need your help next Tuesday manning the polling stations. Morning 0700 to 1130ish Afternoon 1530 to when the polls slow. We will get together for lunch at noon. Polling station locations will be handed out when the schedule and roster are complete.
For further information contact Joe Hottenstein
In Solidarity,
Executive Board

Local 302 endorsed candidates. Mostly Lehigh County and Allentown. candidates. But the Supreme Court and Superior Court candidates are Statewide.


Here we are, another year and another parade. This Sunday, March 19th is the Allentown St. Patrick’s Day Parade. We are once again marching in the Labor Union division.

For all those who have never been, it is a great time. We will be providing Guiness Chili and drinks. Our brothers and sisters of the Trade Unions provide a variety of food and drinks as well.

This is a great time to show your Local 302 pride while having fun. Families are welcome and encouraged. The parade can become a fantastic family tradition.

Sunday, March 19th 11:45ish to finish around 4. Enter the fairgrounds off Chew St,
Ritz entrance. Parking will be across from the Fairgrounds Market entrance closest to Ritz. Wear your Local 302 St Paddy s shirt. Please contact Perreault (484)892-1787, to let him know you’re attending and for any questions.

We look forward to seeing you,

Executive Board

 We had a clean sweep last night. All of our candidates were either elected or re-elected. This is important for us, as Allentown Fire Fighters, because our position as a voice for Fire Fighter issues on the state and federal level is stronger.
We showed our friends yesterday and throughout the election that we will always be there. They saw Heldy, Jody, Shep, LJ (Leroy’s replacement plan), Macabee, Wentz, Easy E, Pedro, Retired Guy Kresge Sr., and Dusty Bones Bob X standing at the polls for their campaigns. Not only that, they knew about Heldy s Swan Song fire and were extremely thankful as well as impressed that we were still out supporting them.
 Thank you to all who have manned a poll, past, and present, we know it s not easy and sacrifices are made to be there. Your sacrifice is what makes our brand strong.
This is what it takes for us to continue the progress. This is what it takes for Allentown Fire Fighters to have the loud voice we deserve. Your dedication to our Local is what it takes for all this to happen. They know who we are and they hear us.
In Solidarity,
Local 302 Executive Board

  It’s that time again…Primary election season. As always, this is when we show our political friends that we appreciate the help they give us when we need new equipment and grants, helping us to do our jobs safely and expand the Department. Those of us who served under a hostile administration understand how far we have come and what it takes to never go back. We’ve achieved this accomplishment by standing with our friends and community and building a strong reputable brand. By continuing to endorse, vote, and provide campaign manpower support, we show everyone that IAFF Local 302 Allentown Fire Fighters are good allies to have in your corner.

Come out Tuesday, May 17th, and help us at the polls. Those who have helped in the past realize that it is a good way to positively engage the citizens of Allentown and promote Local 302.


Morning shift 0700 to about 11 or when it slows down

Afternoon shift 1500-2000 or again, when the polls slow

Don’t assume that we have enough help. The more help we get the less each guy has to stand at a poll. We will provide yellow Local 302 t-shirts for election day.

Contact Perreault (484)892-1787 for more information.

Posted are the candidates we have endorsed locally for Pa Senate District 16 (Pat Browne), new Pa Senate District 14 (Nick Miller), Pa Legislative District 22nd (Saeed Georges) and Pete Schweyer’s new Pa Legislative District 134. As always vote for your beliefs. These are our endorsements based solely on Fire Fighter and labor issues.

Thank you,

Local 302 Executive Board


Here we are, 1 month out from the most pivotal Mayoral election we have ever faced. By now everyone should realize what is at stake if Mayor OConnell loses. 
Everything we have worked for all of the new equipment, Special Teams funding, budget season support and friendly collective bargaining will go away if we don’t pull through with with the Mayor. This isn’t even an exaggeration. Everyone should know that Public Safety budgets will take second seat to empty Social Programs. We were gutted during Pawlowski and will face type of self serving politicians that will absolutely use Public Safety budgets as their piggy bank.
We can stop this but we need your help. We need guys out this Sat. April 24th 12 to 3:00 to help target mail in voters on the Southside. Please don’t assume someone else will do it, call me and help out. We need everyone to respond. We are going to need guys on Sat the same time every weekend leading up to election day. The next 2 weekends we will focus on mail in voters which is a small list but critical.
Election day is Tues. May 18th I will need everyone to show up and help us work the polls morning and evening shift. This is a City wide election  so that is a lot of polling stations. Ask the guys who have done this before, it is not terrible.
Please help the Local retain all we have worked hard for, the fights we have faught and won, the position of having our voices be heard. This can only be done by you helping to get our message out that We Support Those Who Support Fire Fighters. We stand with
Contact Perreault to sign up
484 892 1787
Thank you,
Adam Perreault

Election Results update

Good morning. As the fallout of mail-in ballots starts to settle we have a more clear picture of our most important race.

Pete Schweyer 12816

Write in 2709

Thanks to the support of our members who came out to the polls to aggressively support Pete, he was able to hand the write-in candidate a crushing defeat.

The PAC fund was instrumental in his overwhelming win. The last week leading to the election, we were able to send a mailer to Republican and Independent Super Voters highlighting his support for Fire Fighters. We’ve been told that our mailer was instrumental in his election day voting numbers. We were able to show how valuable we are to campaigns if candidates are valuable to us. More importantly, we highlighted that we are dedicated friends and in that world, it’s a rarity.

In just a few short years our PAC has propelled us into a “Must talk to” organization if you want to win. That is what we have been working towards and will continue to solidify our standing locally as well as in the state.

We helped Pete retain his seat which will help us continue our positive growth through state funding. Now we need members who were unsure of the PAC fund to donate. We have been able to get things done for the Department because of the PAC fund. Please help us continue our growth and donate to the PAC.

Next up, the most important race for us… the 2021 Mayoral race. We are going to need a lot of members to step up to the plate and help us at the polls getting our Mayoral candidate a win. This time we covered the Southside, next time it is citywide. Please help us out. With all the crazy names out there we are going to need to stand solidly behind our candidate. We have a strong relationship with our current administration and it has produced, ie. contract, increased manpower, new equipment, and Truck.
This is due to our advocacy and the PAC fund.

The PAC fund gives us a voice. If you already donate thank you. If you are not a donor please consider helping us and donate.

Thank you,

Adam Perreault

Tune in at 4:30 April 16 to the IAFF Local 302 Facebook Page for a live stream with Congresswoman Wild.

COVID-19 discussion with Representative Susan Wild

Join us for a discussion with Representative Susan Wild about COVID-19 and how the Firefighters and Paramedics of Allentown have handled it. The panelists will be Allentown Firefighters Union President Jeremy Warmkessel, Allentown Fire Chief Jim Wehr, and EMS Chief of Operations Eric Gratz.

Posted by Local 302 Allentown International Association of Firefighters on Thursday, April 16, 2020